Tuesday 9 October 2018

The Deletion- 25th Hour

The chief was sitting behind a huge table.

He looked like the CEOs you see in business magazines.
Crisp suit, well dressed, wearing expensive things, looking ferocious.

Michael seemed to be afraid of him.

'Sit Down, Michael. And you too, Kid.'

Wow. He sure had a deep voice.

'Why does everyone call me Kid down here? I have a name you know.'

'That is your code name. And you're not down anywhere. You're up somewhere'

Chief sure seemed like the last person anyone would want to screw with.

'So tell me Michael. What is this about?'

'Well... This is ID Number AEA291193540.'

Chief typed that into his computer.

He kept on hmming as he read my file.

'So, No body found. Just disappeared off the world.'


'What are his chances of being a partial?'

Michael looked at me before he answered.

'Right Now... 50 percent.'


'Increasing with each passing hour'

'How is this different from the people before?'

'We were able to track their body. It was located at the exact place they had Warped.'

Warp? What are these guys talking about?

'So, what you're saying is, unless we find his body, he is sure to turn into a partial.'

Chief looked over to the right wall of his office.

It was filled with guns and assorted people killing things.

On it, was a framed picture. Someone holding the head of a being.

I stood up. Chief and Michael followed me with their eyes.

As I studied the pic, I realized the man was Chief. A much younger Chief. The head he was holding was that of a human, disfigured beyond recognition.

'That was Jack. Pretty famous. And my first kill of a partial.I believe you guys called him Jack the Ripper.'

The Chief had walked up to me silently.

'I do not want that to happen to you, Kid. You have a bright future ahead of you.'

Michael was standing next to him, nodding his head off.

'So, I am going to help you. I am assigning Michael here to help you find your body.'

Michael looked astounded.

'Another agent, Sarah will join you as well.'

Michael instantly brightened.

'Come with me Kid.'

Gesturing at the seat in front of me, he sat down in his chair.

'This is a dangerous game Kid. We do not know who is behind this. But we do know that they have upped their game. We do not want you to fall into their trap. A life saved is greater than creating another life.'

Seeing the skepticism rising on my face, Chief continued.

'You do not have much time. Truthfully. You have exactly 24 hours to go before you turn into a partial. And believe me, I shall be the first person who drives the Axe through your heart.'

I looked at Michael.

'Michael shall of be no help to you, Kid. He will join me. That is where his duty lies.'

Michael stood up to leave.

'Stay back Michael. Kid, you can wait outside.'

I got up and was escorted out. Michael watched me leave.

'You have 24 hours Kid. You have the choices before you. Choose them wisely.' Chief shouted at me, as the doors closed.

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